CHESS & GIRLS – a project 100 % féminin.
* March 20, 2021 to Lausanne : Simultaneous against the chess swiss multi-champion ANGIE PECORINI
Schedule : de 16h30 à 18h00.
Location : Maison de la Femme, Avenue Eglantine 6, 1004 Lausanne
Prices : The 2 winners of the simoultaneous will receive a magnetic chess game offered by FIDE – International Chess Federation . All the others participants will receive a gift.
Inscription : 10 CHF. Limited places to 16 participants.
* 21 mars 2021 Chess Mini-campus
Program :
9h30 – 12h00 chess initiation
12h00 – 13h00 lunch (included)
13h00 – 14h00 team-building session
14h00 – 16h00 chess tournament
Lieu : Salle des Morettes, Chemin En Purian 6, 1197 Prangins
Inscription : 100 CHF. Discount : 30% for the participants to the other events CHESS & GIRLS. Limited places : max 16 participants.
Infos : WhatsApp +41 76 742 28 18 ou
Parteners :
Commune de Prangins
FIDE – International Chess Federation