Chess Rapid Tournament – OPEN LA GARDE DU ROI 2024
Chose your location between :
- PRANGINS : Building COMBE 2, Rue de la Gare 15, 1197 Prangins
- LAUSANNE : Maison de la Femme, Eglantine 6, 1006 Lausanne
Schedule & Dates :
- Lausanne: Every Tuesday from 7:00 PM, April 23, 30/ May 7,14,21,28 / June 4, 11, 18
- Prangins: Every Friday from 7:00 PM, April 19, 26/May 3, 17, 24, 31 / June 7, 14, 21
Prizes by category, according of ELO rating:
- Tournament A: > 1600 ELO 1st CHF 300, 2nd CHF 200, 3rd CHF 100
- Tournament B: 1400 – 1600 ELO 1st CHF 100, 2nd CHF 80, 3rd CHF 60
- Tournament C: < 1400 ELO 1st CHF 60, 2nd CHF 50, 3rd CHF 40
Prizes are not cumulative.
Registration : CHF 30.
- For GDR/CSP members, registration is CHF 20.
- Registration deadline: until April 15, 2024.
Timing :
- Closed tournament system, double round (white-black), 15’+3’’
- Prunescu scoring system: winning game 2pts, draw 1pt, loss 1/2pt, absence 0 pt.
- Possibility of catch-up or playing multiple rounds per date.
The final
- Will take place on June 28, 2024, from 7:00 PM in Prangins, between the qualifiers from each tournament for the prizes announced for each category.
- Time control: 2 double rounds 15’+3’’ and Armageddon in case of a tie.
- The winner of the final will receive 55% of the announced prize/category and the opponent 45%.
Other rules:
- For arbitration, FIDE rules for rapid tournaments and the Timing rules apply.
- Online registration (form below), via WhatsApp or Email: +41 76 742 28 18, Mentioning full name, year of birth, postal address, phone number, and email.
- Participants, by registering, consent to the use of results, images, and photos captured during the tournament for promotional purposes on social media or any other communication channel.
- In case of less than 6 participants per category, they will be moved in one of the others categories, and prizes for the category with insufficient participation will be canceled.
- The registration list and results will be published online on this tournament page.
Supported by: Commune de Prangins